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Roman brickyard

Immediately behind Villa Dalhof to the east of the Holthurnsche Hof are the remains of a huge Roman production center for earthenware and roof tiles. Legionaries of the Tenth Legion from Nijmegen built it in the 1st century and built pottery ovens.

The fame of the Holdeurn is mainly due to the hundreds of thousands of baked roof tiles and different types of tiles. In the entire province of Germania Inferior, from Bonn to the North Sea, tiles were found with stamps from the Holdeurn. Other types of pottery were also made such as oil lamps, plates, saucers, jugs, cups and jugs. Much of this pottery is distinguished by the fine baking and the typical orange color. Archaeologists call it “Holdeurn’s pottery”.

After the departure of the Tenth Legion around 105, production at the brick and pottery probably stopped. The factory complex was revived in the last quarter of the 2nd century, at least up to and including the reign of Emperor Severus Alexander (222-235). A memorial stone, erected by order of the commander of Legio I Minervia, the First Legion from Bonn, dates from that time. Not long after, the ovens were extinguished for good.

During large-scale excavations in 1938-1942, a couple of huge oven ovens were uncovered. Ten such ovens have now been announced, but perhaps there were many more. The remains of some buildings are also underground. In the Holthurnsche Hof there is a small exhibition with finds. It is possible that a larger proportion of these will be uncovered in the coming years – even by European standards! – Roman top location. Experience this unique history by bike or on foot. There are different routes that offer you a beautiful cross-section through the Roman landscape.